Merchant Tips

How to Improve Business Cash Flow 

 — 17 minutes

Understanding your business’s cash flow is essential for conducting a healthy financial analysis and making informed decisions

Merchant Tips

Friendly Fraud: What Is It And How To Avoid It?

 — 14 minutes

Friendly fraud does not involve third-party criminal activity. Rather, it occurs when a cardholder purposely or accidentally issues a chargeback.

Merchant Tips

Inflation Indicators: 4 Metrics to Guide Business Planning

 — 19 minutes

Inflation indicators have become a crucial tool for businesses and consumers, providing valuable insights into what to expect in the economic landscape.

Merchant Tips

How To Accept Apple Pay From Customers

 — 11 minutes

Elevate customer experience and optimize revenue by embracing Apple Pay – the top choice for secure, hassle-free payments in-person and online.

Merchant Tips

Incorporate in Delaware vs. California: Pros and Cons

 — 12 minutes

Deciding whether to incorporate in Delaware or California is a pivotal choice for businesses, with each state offering distinct advantages and drawbacks.

Merchant Tips

How To Sell My eCommerce Business: A Step-by-step Guide

 — 17 minutes

Learn if there is a simple trick you’re missing to save your eCommerce business from selling. If not, these steps can get you the most out of your sale.

Merchant Tips

How To Open A Bar Successfully

 — 23 minutes

Navigate the essential steps on how to open a bar successfully. From licenses to design, master the art of bar ownership and turn your passion into profit.

Merchant Tips

Corporate Transparency Act Of 2024: What Businesses Need to Know

 — 19 minutes

The Corporate Transparency Act went into full effect on January 1, 2024 & It will impact millions of businesses.

Merchant Tips

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Supply Chain in 2024

 — 18 minutes

Strengthen your supply chain to secure a competitive advantage, boost operational efficiency, and achieve cost savings with these 3 steps.

Merchant Tips

12 Fears of Starting a Business and How To Overcome Them

 — 29 minutes

Identifying which fears of starting a business are holding you back is essential. Here, we help you understand and overcome these common fears.

Merchant Tips

7 Strategies For Business Growth in 2024

 — 19 minutes

Businesses that adapt quickly and leverage these 7 strategies for business growth will thrive, while those that lag behind will struggle.

Merchant Tips

Discounting Smarter, Not Deeper! Discount Strategies That Work

 — 20 minutes

Offering discounts is a great way to drum up more business, but it could eat away at your profits. Here are discounting strategies that work.

Merchant Tips

Is a Brick and Mortar Worth it Anymore?

 — 19 minutes

Questioning the significance of traditional brick and mortar businesses in the era of digital dominance? We examine strategies for sustained relevance.

Merchant Tips

Remote Work Security: Challenges and Solutions

 — 19 minutes

Remote work security is essential for businesses that have employees working outside of the workplace.

Merchant Tips

Upselling Techniques and Other Creative Ideas to Boost Your Average Ticket Price

 — 16 minutes

Discover effective upselling techniques to enhance your business revenue. Explore insightful strategies for sustainable growth and reduced marketing costs.

Merchant Tips

How To Save Receipts For My Business Taxes

 — 14 minutes

Saving business tax receipts is essential for the most streamline accounting practices and best tax break.