
Millions of stores around the world are eCommerce-only businesses. The internet has opened up the floodgates for enterprising individuals around the world to sell (nearly) anything online. 


These sites are great for people just starting out. They contain site builders that automate much of the website architecture. But, what happens once the sales start pouring in? Is it worth it to keep on using preset eCommerce solutions? In most cases, overwhelmingly no.


As you’ll learn in some of the following blog posts, large payment aggregators charge flat rate fees that might be as high as 4% + some change. You can bet your bottom dollar that larger retailers like Walmart, Target, and Amazon are not paying these prices. So, should you?


In addition to fees and fee structures, we’ll also cover other interesting topics that relate to the world of eCommerce. Is there a way to go about selling an eCommerce site you’ve built? What can you do to boost web traffic and reduce the rate of abandoned carts?


Interestingly, collecting debit and credit card payments is a key to improving your online business. Payment processing provides data points to analyze. You’ll learn, for example, what items customers purchase together and how to recognize possibilities for upselling. A robust payment solutions suite is the entry point for revenue improvement. Learn more about these eCommerce topics in some of our articles below.

Payment Solutions

10 Efficient Ways to Collect Payments from Customers

 — 12 minutes

No matter what type of business you own, there are many ways to efficiently collect payment from your customers. Here’s how ECS can help get you started.

Payment Solutions

The Role of Social Media in E-commerce Payments

 — 17 minutes

Businesses can use social media to create social proof and leverage influencer marketing along with paid ads to increase their eCommerce payments.

Payment Solutions

eCommerce Checkout Best Practices

 — 13 minutes

Efficient eCommerce checkout optimizes your customer experience and generates higher conversion and revenue growth.

Payment Solutions

Payment Link: Accept payments online without a website

 — 10 minutes

Payment links are an easy and convenient way to accept digital payments. But is it required to have a business website to use payment links? Let’s find out.

Payment Solutions

Payment APIs: A Guide for Merchants

 — 11 minutes

Payment APIs enable communication between different digital systems, which facilitates secure and seamless payment processing for businesses.

Merchant Tips

How To Sell My eCommerce Business: A Step-by-step Guide

 — 17 minutes

Learn if there is a simple trick you’re missing to save your eCommerce business from selling. If not, these steps can get you the most out of your sale.

Payment Solutions

A Comprehensive Guide on Personalized eCommerce Marketing Strategies

 — 16 minutes

Personalized eCommerce marketing strategies can take your shop from bleh to booming. Implement these easy steps today to see growth.

Payment Solutions

The Best Online Marketplaces That Are Reshaping Business to Business Sales

 — 19 minutes

Successfully navigating business to business marketplaces can impact your relationships. Here’s the best platforms to consider and what you need to do.

Payment Solutions

Best Practices To Grow E-commerce Businesses

 — 20 minutes

Online sales competition is fierce, to increase your market share, you have to know how to properly grow your e-commerce business with scalability.

Payment Solutions

E-commerce: How to Build a Direct-to-Customer Online Sales Channel

 — 23 minutes

Optimize your business by incorporating various online sales channels into your strategy to thrive in today’s digital marketplace.

Payment Solutions

When to Say Goodbye to Your Legacy eCommerce Platform

 — 18 minutes

Outdated systems are holding your business back. Here are the key signs to look for to know when it’s time to upgrade your eCommerce platform.

Payment Solutions

E-Commerce Isn’t Killing Retail, It’s Inspiring Experiential Shops

 — 19 minutes

Is the ease of eCommerce killing retail? Or has it created an opportunity for in-person merchants to create a more immersive space for consumers?

Payment Solutions

What Your Business Needs to Know About Collecting Payments Online

 — 19 minutes

Collecting payments online is a beneficial way to increase your business whether you sell eCommerce, in-person goods, or even services.

Merchant Tips

Upselling Techniques and Other Creative Ideas to Boost Your Average Ticket Price

 — 16 minutes

Discover effective upselling techniques to enhance your business revenue. Explore insightful strategies for sustainable growth and reduced marketing costs.

Payment Solutions

E-Commerce Security: Protecting Transactions in the Digital Marketplace

 — 19 minutes

Online payments make e-commerce possible. But they are a perfect target for hackers and other criminals.

Payment Solutions

Sustainable Goods and Payments: Navigating Risks and Opportunities

 — 23 minutes

Consumers are looking for more sustainable goods and businesses they can trust. Show your customers you care with sustainable practices and payment options.