Signing Credit Card Receipts: Is it still Required?
Signing credit card receipts is now optional if you have an EMV-compliant credit card reader. EMV-compliant checkout carries many benefits.
Merchant Account Limits: A Guide
Merchant account limits are set in place to protect businesses, cardholders, and the financial institutions involved in the process.
How Payment Request APIs Work
Revolutionary payment request APIs have changed the way businesses accept online payments and has created a secure and seamless customer experience.
How to Easily Build Business Credit with an EIN
Build your business credit with your EIN. Separating your personal and business finances is the best way to make sure you are set up for success.
How To Build Business Credit: From Personal Experience
Business credit tells lenders how trustworthy your business is to lend to. Without it, you will have an impossible time securing funds to build your business
Need a Merchant Account But Have Bad Credit? Do This!
A merchant with a low credit score, whether it’s because of a sales downtrend, a prior bankruptcy, or any other reason, ECS can help you!